Friday, May 9, 2008

The Mission - 82 days

Well folks, in case you hadn't heard yet I am serving a full-time mission in the Buenos Aires, South, Argentina Mission. I report July 30th to the Provo MTC. I'm so excited to serve in such an amazing place. I know of MANY people who've served in that country and area who are amazing men, including my grandpa Tony Shumway, my great Grandpa Phil Davis, and a smattering of cousins. What a heritage & legacy they've left for me, and it's passed on to me now to continue it. I pray that the spirit of the lord will be with me in my preparations and future efforts. This mission is a culmination of a year's labors. As a background, I took off a year and a half from school to come home and work on saving money as well as losing weight and conditioning physically. So after all this time, I've got the funds to pay for a mission, and I've lost 70+ pounds in order to go. The weight problem has been and will continue to be my biggest trial, but I'm confident in the things I've learned and been trained to do in the last year that I can use the knowledge effectively to maintain good health.

Today I'm going to get LOTS of shots (probably about seven) for my mission :( It's good though, I'm glad I can get most all of them done in one fell swoop. If I have to be the pin-cushion, I will. Next step, get the passport! I had to start from scratch and get new birth certificates, figure out missing shot records, and now the passport and visa. I hear Argentina is quite a stickler on paperwork and records. Here's hoping all goes well in the coming months on that front. I never really appreciated how much STUFF is required for missionary service, and what all you have to take with you.

Anywho, the countdown can begin. We're 82 days away!


kp said...

yay for missions!!! i am stoked for you! um...i am moving to the biltmore area of phoenix. it is off the 51...i shaved about 10 minutes off the time so its that much closer to the east side. i am going to drive it today to make sure. YOU are helping me move

Mel said...

good for you bryson! I'm so glad everything is coming together for you :)