Monday, June 9, 2008

Workshop & Mission stuff

Well folks the workshop is in full-swing as we have begun week-2 of first session. So far things have been pretty darn fun being back at MCC, playing the piano and being around music theatre constantly. I always have to remind myself that first session is always more difficult and we usually are a little behind but it all works out in the end, and second session is a breeze where we finish way early. Can't seem to change that fact of life. I like a lot of the music that we have, it seems to be a very Disney and Drowsy Chaperone-heavy year to be sure. We've got new faces in the director/accompanist/intern/etc. crowd and it feels great to be involved in my 10th year. I performed for five and am now working playing the piano, and assisting the directors for my fifth year (Man I'm getting old!). I just can't seem to get enough of it I guess, and quite literally it's hard to remember life before the workshop since half my lifetime I've been at MCC. You just get into this mojo of "alright June is approaching.... right..... Workshop! Got to get all geared up for it". I mean, we don't ever plan vacations until July, we never do much else on workshop days b/c we're usually blocking/singing/practicing at home before we head back the next day. It's a way of life really and we're thrilled to be a part. One thing I will say about the kids themselves: I find that in more recent years we've had less of the "hams" if you will take part. Sure we've got plenty of raw talent, but I swear back when I was on the stage it really seemed like we had some amazing shining stars that just totally caught your eye, but more importantly, lifted the group and encouraged others to do better by leading with example. Maybe it's b/c I'm older and have a hard time of not being overly-critical of the kids or idealizing my past.

In other news, the mission prep is ongoing. I FINALLY got my passport and I'm nearly finished with all the stuff that i need to send to salt lake to get my Visa all squared away for Argentina. I was (am) worried about making all the deadlines for the stuff, but things are looking more and more possible each day that I plug away and do all I can to make things happen. Now the daunting task of a) shopping for all the stuff I need to take and b) tying up any paperwork loose ends/etc. is looming over me. I am so in awe of what going on a mission entails, ESPECIALLY to a foreign country like Argentina. Sheesh! As of today there are 50 DAYS left! I can't believe it really, has finally come :) We pray all goes well and nothing is left forgotten or undone. P.S., I think I may have hurt my knee somehow and I'm heading to the doctor this week for x-rays and to see if there's something majorly wrong with me (I hope not). I'm constantly racking my brain trying to think if I had a chance dancing or working out to irk it so. Maybe it was from a few years ago when I hurt it at a family reunion when i sort of let it get better on its own and now it's back to bite me in the butt. Who knows, but I'll be posting about it after my visit on Friday.

Finally, We're anxiously awaiting our little getaway to Greer after the 4th of July. It's so beautiful up there in the summer and we enjoy some of the best family time up there together playing games, enjoying sports, eating delicious family foods, and having spiritual boosts that touch each person's life for good. I will never forget the memories from the last 3 times we have gone.

So there's the update on life.

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